Friday, November 10, 2006

Orthodox Readings of St. Augustine

Finally, a group of Orthodox theologians (and including some notable Catholic theologians as well) will come together to discuss the place of our Holy Father among the Saints, St. (or Blessed, if you prefer) Augustine of Hippo. Father Seraphim Rose called him a a great teacher of Orthodox piety, and yet there are some, thinking they know better than Holy Mother Church, who wish to pretend, without ANY historical justification, that he is not among the number of the saints. It is my hope this conference will do much to restore him to his rightful place in Orthodox faith and piety, a place he really never lost, except in the minds of those Fr. Seraphim Rose called "schoolboys playing at Orthodoxy."

The panel will include Prof. Andrew Louth, Dr. David B. Hart, and Fr. John McGuckin.

Here is the link for more information:

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