Friday, July 16, 2010

Tsar Nicholas II

July 17, 1918. 92 years ago, a horrific crime was committed in the central Russian city of Yekaterinburg, in a house called the Ipatiev House. A man was brutally shot along with his whole family- wife, four daughters, and a son-shot dead by men who were self-styled "lovers of humanity". With Tsar Nicholas II, the rule of the Romanovs came to a violent and brutal end.

His abdication a year prior was greeted with joy by liberals and socialists in France, Britain and the United States. President Wilson felt that with the removal of the Tsar, the world was that much closer to being made "safe for democracy." What resulted? 70 years of the most brutal tyranny the world had ever witnessed. In Central Europe, the eradication of the Habsburg and Hohenzollern monarchies resulted in the rise of National Socialism. So much for making the world "safe for democracy."

No, he was not a perfect ruler. He had some black marls against him in terms of his political career, to be sure, but one thing is very certain: he loved his people, and his abdication showed how far he was willing to go to make sure his people didn't suffer from the ravages of civil war.

May their prayers in heaven, and those of all the New Martyrs of Russia, win for the Russian people peace, prosperity, and most importantly, a new zeal for the faith of their ancestors!

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