Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sorry for the long absence. A full teaching load, plus editing my dissertation for the third time, have kept me from blogging regularly. My meeting with my main reader has assured me that the dissertation needs just a little more finessing, especially the introduction, which is quite do-able. That, and taking care of the typos, will make it ready for defense. New date for final submission: March 15.

This leaves me with quite a bit of time for blogging, since the revisions are not very rigorous. During Lent, I will be posting my own musings on the Rule of St. Benedict as they touch everyday life. The Benedictine motto Ora et labora (pray and work) will be the focus of much of what I write, as I seek ways of consecrating all of life to Christ, in my prayer, and my work. I hope you will derive some benefit from it. If you do, dear Christian soul, praise God, and not my strength and powers for it. All errors are entirely my own. Pray for me, a sinner!

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